Tuesday, July 6, 2010

- SY Blog -: Heartwarming Performance#links


Spin888: Good Influences


Spin888: Good Influences


Good Influences

Hi there readers, how have you all been lately ? Alright ? If you are then good ^^. Anyway, i came across this video in one of a famous singaporean yoyoing blog. Its a performance done by a senior yoyo player and a junior yoyo player. If im not mistaken, the message in the video is about potraying a good influence towards younger generation through yoyoing.

I find it impressive because believe or not, this is what we are doing here too in Malaysia. Unfortunately, there alot of obstacles, unsupportive parents, the culture ( and when i say culture, i do not mean race, but the way of living instead ), and most of all restricted access on purchasing a yoyo here....

So watch the video and let me know through the comments "what do u think ?". Till then, see you soon ^^ and keep yoing !!