Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rebirth of 888

I bought this yoyo in year 2007. At that time , 888 was considered a trend as in everyone wants one ( well maybe not everyone but most of them ). This yoyo has served me for 3 years and im still using it. However, this yoyo did sustain heavy damage... It even broke my tooth !! LOL !

After suffering so many "dings" , I decided to satin ( rim repair ) it. Previously my 888 looks like the picture below.

As you can see , there are lots of scratches and one half of the yoyo's colour is starting to fade away. Oh i forgot to mention the word "dings". "Dings" is a term used by yoyo players when there is a deep scar in the yoyo or even a scratch. The tools used to satin ( rim repair ) this yoyo is a coarse sand paper , fine sand paper, and a driller.

The coarse sand paper is to repair the deep scars and to make the surface even again. The fine sand paper is to smoothen out the surface so that its not so rough during play. Lastly , you will need the driller to sand off the yoyo's surface by clipping on to the axle , turn on the driller and start sanding off the yoyo's surface.

This would be the end result.

Here is the video for the whole process of satining ( rim repair ) of an 888.

By the way , this credit goes to Ryan Lim for giving me a hand in satining this yoyo. Thanks bro ^^

Monday, August 9, 2010

Genesis Review

Ello there readers , im sorry for the delay in posting something new in my blog.. Really sorry ^^ ... No worries though , today im going to do a review on Yoyofactory Genesis..

Recently, I bought 2 genesis. 1 is the purple acid wash directed by Miguel Correa and the other one is a Jon Rob's edition. Below is the picture and its details.

YYF Genesis 135 Stats:
Diameter: 56 mm / 2.20 inches
Width: 43mm / 1.69 inches
Response System: YoYoFactory K-Pad (Slim Pad)
Weight: 65.7 grams
Bearing Size: [Large] - Size C (SPEC Bearing)
[Small] - Size A (SPEC Bearing)

(stats is based on

Based on my personal experience , its a really really stable yoyo. When I first got it , my first impression was it has a great colour to it ! Awesome acid purple wash ! Hahaha .. Same goes for the purple splash on the green colour. lol. The surface is really smooth and its great for grinding tricks.

At first throw, immediately there is this feeling of I accomplish any tricks ! Seriously, I may make it sound exeggerating but thats truth ! It has a light feeling to it and it doesnt vibrate much as my 888. Its easier to land tricks cause the gap is bigger. Its about the same width as a Protostar. Give or take a couple inches ^^.

Its good for sidestyle tricks as well as hoping tricks( eli hops ). Its not so simple to do rejection though cos of the shape of the yoyo but its really easy to do regen ! The big bearing makes it spins longer... I suppose there isnt much different for the bearing part cause its the same as the other yoyofactory bearings ^^.

There isnt much problem with this yoyo except for the part that once you hit the yoyo on the ground, it might vibrate. Mine just hit the ground the other day and its kinda wobbling now... Im so sad bout that part T.T...

Overall, its an awesome yoyo and I love this yoyo very much. Its a revolution for me and I hope for those who have it will have the same experience as me ^^. Please leave a comment or any other suggestions ^^

Thanks for reading !!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

- SY Blog -: Heartwarming Performance#links

Spin888: Good Influences

Spin888: Good Influences

Good Influences

Hi there readers, how have you all been lately ? Alright ? If you are then good ^^. Anyway, i came across this video in one of a famous singaporean yoyoing blog. Its a performance done by a senior yoyo player and a junior yoyo player. If im not mistaken, the message in the video is about potraying a good influence towards younger generation through yoyoing.

I find it impressive because believe or not, this is what we are doing here too in Malaysia. Unfortunately, there alot of obstacles, unsupportive parents, the culture ( and when i say culture, i do not mean race, but the way of living instead ), and most of all restricted access on purchasing a yoyo here....

So watch the video and let me know through the comments "what do u think ?". Till then, see you soon ^^ and keep yoing !!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

History in yoyoing ...

Hi readers , if you are wondering how long have I been playing with the yoyo , my answer would be 7 years ( plus minus a couple of years ). Ever since I was 5 years old , i remember that i bought this cheap plastic yoyo ( 20cents ) and my maid thought me how to do gravity pull. In which case i didnt know it was consider as a trick .. hehehe

As the years passed by , I soon got to know a yoyomaster from the United States. You might know him if you were born in year ..mmm... 1997 ... If im not mistaken .. hehehe .. He is Yo-Hans... That was during the pro-yo season in Malaysia ... Then i started playing with yoyos again. My brother introduced me the very first yoyo that spins when you throw it on the ground which is known as the Long Sleeper.

From there , i gradually pick up other tricks ( basic tricks of course ^^ ) such as Forward Pass , Around the World , and Moonsault ( man on the flying trapeze )... Too bad the habit didnt last long... One of the main reason is because its hard for a 8 years old kid to get friction pads and extra strings cause they it is only available in BP petrol station ( which is weird ... yoyoing + petrol station = ??? ).I stopped for atleast another 5 years and at that moment , i took back again the interest in yoyoing.

You must be wondering "WHY ?". Its because I saw a couple of guys were playing yoyo at Amcorp Mall and thats the first time I saw anyone plays 4A division ( offstring ).. These yoyo players formed a club and is currently known as M-yo ( malaysian yoyo club ). From there it inspired me to pick up where I left and thank god , superyoyo season came in. That would be in year 2005. From there onwards, I started collecting my yoyos slowly... and now ... im proud to show you my entire collection... ( 1997-2010 )

From that day onwards , i have never stop yoyoing... Like i said , it has became my passion. I regret not keeping my very first yoyo although it is a cheap yoyo, but it has lots of sentimentel value. Those yoyo players that I saw when I was a kid is now my president , my teachers and most of all ... My friends ^^.. Hope that you, the reader , will be motivated in some way or another to keep this passion alive... ^^ Thanks for reading !

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Beginner's guide for buying a yoyo.

Hi readers, im pretty sure that all of you out there have these questions in your mind whenever you are about to pick up a yoyo , " how much is it ?" , "what is the different between the other yoyos" and most of all ( i think this would be my most favourite and common question ) "WHY IS IT SO EXPENSIVE !!!"..

Hahaha ... Well , no worries. I came across this video and i will like to share with all of you on how to choose your very first yoyo and hoping that this guide will minimise the mistakes when u buy your yoyos ! Enjoy !! And keep yoing !!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Im back !!

Hello readers n spinners !! I AM SOOOOOOOO SORRRYYY !!!! I know that i havent been posting anything lately ... Thats because i was busy with my exams and all ... But no worries .. Im back !! hahaha ...

Neway , as for you all know ( or maybe dont know ) the superyoyo season is back !! If you dont know whats superyoyo is ... Well , its an anime ( japanese cartoon ) about this dude named , Sunichi Domoto, and he is a yoyoplayer that picks up yoyoing after a friend of his seek his help to get back a yoyo that was stolen and as the series goes on , Sunichi entered a yoyo competition to defeat the yoyo champion , Seto Hojoin..

Basically , they will need to do only 30 basic tricks. For the anime , its like a freaking weapon for them to defeat their opponent ! LOL !!

Apparently, the superyoyo yoyos are in stores now. You can get it in major store outlets nearby you. For example , Jusco , Giant , Carrefour or even at 7Eleven !! We, the yoyo masters will be doing shows and workshop around Malaysia. So if you want thinking of picking up a new hobby, this is the time for it. Go to this website and check out where will the next workshop and yoyo demos will be !

Dont be afraid to come up to us and ask us to teach you tricks ! We are more than happy to do so ! Im singning off for now and i will post more interesting stuff when i get back from Johor this sunday !! Keep yoing !!

This is the Superyoyo opening theme song .. Enjoy ^^

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yoyo revolution

Hi guys ! Sorry that i have been away for quite sometime. Neway here's a vid to show you the revolution of yoyoing. It explains what type of styles of playing ( just like i did ), the changes from a wooden axle to a metal ball bearing, and the differences in playing during a contest and offstage. Enjoy !

YoYo Revolution from Jonathan Saelens on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lubing bearings

Lubing is simply means applying or dripping little sum of lubricant into your yoyo. You can actually buy the lubes from various stores but the one that i got is from Toycity. You know ... the shop that sells lots of Tamiya mini 4WD car .. Yea, that place. Neway, the main purpose of lubing is to make the yoyo more responsive. After certain amount of time playing with your yoyo, you will realised that the yoyo might not wind up as easily as usual when you flick it. So by lubing the bearings, it will restore the responsiveness of the yoyo. Here are a the few simple steps for you to lube your bearings :

Step1:Remove your strings and open apart your yoyo.

Step2:Apply a drop of lube into the bearing as shown below. Not too much otherwise the string will be soaked with the lube instead of penetrating into the bearing itself.

Step3:Put back together the other half and off you go. Its ready to be played again !
Simple right ?

Below are 2 type of lubes that I currently have.
This lube is from Supereyoyo season. I got it like ..mmmm... maybe around ...5 yrs back.. Yes~ i know~"it can last that long ???" Yes, it CAN last that long cause you will only need a drop of it and not the entire bottle but it will also depend on the frequency of usage. The frequent you use it, the faster the lube will be gone.. hehehe..
Neway the above lube is thicker than the one below.
This lube is produced by YOTECH and it can be purchased from TOYCITY. I hope this info helps in anyway for you ! Keep yoing !!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Style of playing and types of yoyos for each division.

Inorder to know what type of yoyos that you should play with, you gotta know what sort of division or style you are playing. For now, it will be best for you to know this main 5 division or should I say "style of playing". Single A, double A, 3A, 4A (also known as offstring) , & 5A ( also known as counter-weight).

Single A is the most traditional & common way of yoyoing. Everybody started out wif single A style of playing. Below are the few examples of single A yoyos.
This type of yoyo is known as a butterfly type due to its shape & its much preffered by lots of people because its easier to land your yoyo on the string. Nothing fancy, its just a yoyo that's tied to your finger but what's amazing is that, the way of you creating the flow of tricks combination & routines. Thats where it gets interesting.

Ok lets move on to the second type of division, double A. Below pictures serves as an example for double A yoyo.
Double A division is played by doing constant loopings with both hands. Sounds difficult ? No worries ~~ With enough practise, anyone can do it. Hehehe .. As you can see, the gap is much narrower than the previous yoyo. Its known as an imperial shape. This is because yoers wants the yoyo to be much responsive inorder to loop. If the yoyo is not responsive enough, a few drops of lubricant into the bearing or change of strings should help ( I would post bout lubing n strings later ).
WARNING : the string will wear out very very fast based on this division and if you do not change the string, it will SNAP one of the days. So, DO NOT play in your living room fill with your parent's precious fragile items ! Frequently change your strings if the strings is too old.

Next would be 3A division.

This division is something like 2 division combined into 1. You take 1A division and 2A division, fuse them up together n tadaaaa , u will get 3A ( i know, my maths is superb) hahahaha ... Neway, the style of playing is similar to 2A but instead of looping, you will need to use 2 butterfly shape yoyos. One of the tricks could be like this :

So far so good ? Ok, cool. Next will be 4A division. This division is also known as offstring division. The name "offstring" says it all, it means that this style of playing is that the yoyo .... is not attach to the string. A yoer will throw the yoyo up high in the sky and will catch it with the string and continue perform tricks or rountines ! This are the yoyos for offstrings.( there is alot more option but so far this is all i got).

I know ~~ "OMG that yoyo is huge !!!" hahaha.. The yoyo is design in such a way because it will be way much easier for it to land on the string. On the left side of the pic is known as HAYABUSA, its one of DUNCAN's product. It is used for this division too. Although its small but i know a few ppl that can really create marvellous tricks n routines with this yoyo. For example Lim Aik Hwee from Singapore and Sean Perez from Philipines.

Lastly, 5A division which is also known as counter-weight division.

First thing that you will notice in the pic is the dice. The dice serves as a counter-weight. This time, the yoyo is not attach to the finger but instead on that dice ! From what i know, this would be the hardest division for most yoers but a 12 yr old kid proven it wrong ! hahaha .. You can look up his name, Takeshi Matsuura ( hope that i didnt spell that wrong ! Im sorry if i did !)

Thanks for reading this post and i will post on types of strings, lubings and how to do simple maintenance on your yoyo soon !

Sunday, April 4, 2010

AP 2010 clip vid !

This video is made by our very own malaysia yoer, 7th placing offstring division in the Asia Pacific Yoyo Championship 2010, Ewin Ee !!!!

Spin888: AP2010


I didnt manage to get lots of picture cos i was bz practising for my freestyle .. Oh rite, for those who dont know wats a freestyle is, heres da explanation.

Freestyle means u perform a yoyo routine along wif da music of ure own choice. For the preliminary round only 1 min is given for ure freestyle n for da finals it would be 3 min freestyle. Commonly yoers will use songs tat has a very nice bass sound or should i say gud "beat". Its about da same as dancing just tat instead of expressing it through body movements, we use yoyo routines ! Simple rite ? Ok cool, lets move on.

We ( me, ryan=dude in red,zafran n another ryan from kuching) arrived around ... mmm ... 10am if im not mistaken and as u can see.. The crowd wasnt tat huge ... yet... hahaha ..

Tat would be da stage where u will have to face ure worst fear ... Hundreds of penetrating eyes staring at u .. If u have a stage fright, this would be a gud place for u to practise n overcome your fear .. hahaha ! Just imagine tat my hands were shaking even after i was off da stage ... Shikes .. i need more practise ! T.T



All of this are da merchandises sold during da event. They have another section tat sells yoyos for begginers but too bad i did not took a photo of it.

Da afternoon crowd starting to flow into da event. Most of them were be looking at us wif this amused or " wow , they can do tat ?!" face expression. Hahaha .. I swear to god, there was this auntie tat get so hyped she cant even close her mouth when we doin our preliminary round ! LOL !
Say cheese, Malaysian yoyoers !! I really really miss this event. Its full of live in it n it puts in more meaning into the word "friendship". Although this is would be my first time goin for such event, its definately a memorable one ...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Asia Pacific yoyo championship 2010

Recently, from 25th of March to the 28th of March, there was a huggggggeeeee yoyoing event in Singapore ! It was held in ION orchard n during tat 4 days , there was 2 days of preliminary rounds and 2 days of finals.. Unfortunately i didnt make it to da finals .. Hahaha ..

Neway , this event is mainly held for all yoers in the AsiaPacific side. It consist of 12 different countries ( if im not mistaken ) , Japan , Taiwan , Hong Kong , Singapore , Indonesia , Korea , Brunei , Malaysia , Australia , Phillipines, and ... errrr... i think it includes India too ... mmm ....

This event is organise by a yoyoing store in Singapore which goes by da name of Spinworkx. In my own opinion, Spinworkx is by far the most popular yoyo store in da Asia side . hahaha .. Oh yea, they even have online sales too...

I arrived Singapore on da 24th of March n there was soooo much time to spare. So, me n my fren from malaysia Ryan decided to head out to spinworkx n take a look who has arrived. Tats where we met a bunch of Japanese yoyo player's. They have freaking awesome skills man ... One of them is a like a picture trick machine !! n da above pic is da prove ! He just wouldnt stop making pic tricks and amuse us ... Wow ~~~~

After that, we went for dinner in some ... errr.. how should i say this ... mamak store ?? hahaha ... Lets just say a restaurant nearby da hotel. This would be partial of da Malaysian gang including one cool german dude (Pac), an Indonesian yoyo star ( Rosgana ) n 2 awesome phillipine yoers ( Ernest Khan n Hiro Koba=owner of kitty strings) ! Woohoo !

Tat ends da first nite of AP. I would update more on da event and pic soon !!

welcome !

Ello folks ~~

First of all, i would like to say welcome to my new blog ... Which im not so familiar wif rite now .. hahahaha... Well, just to let u all know , this blog is about me n yoyoing ... Wat sort of events tats gotta to do wif yoyoing , wats new and da latest news of yoyoing , wat sort of music tats suitable for all sorts of divisions , n how daily report on yoyoing from every part of Malaysia !