Inorder to know what type of yoyos that you should play with, you gotta know what sort of division or style you are playing. For now, it will be best for you to know this main 5 division or should I say "style of playing". Single A, double A, 3A, 4A (also known as offstring) , & 5A ( also known as counter-weight).
Single A is the most traditional & common way of yoyoing. Everybody started out wif single A style of playing. Below are the few examples of single A yoyos.
This type of yoyo is known as a butterfly type due to its shape & its much preffered by lots of people because its easier to land your yoyo on the string. Nothing fancy, its just a yoyo that's tied to your finger but what's amazing is that, the way of you creating the flow of tricks combination & routines. Thats where it gets interesting.
Ok lets move on to the second type of division, double A. Below pictures serves as an example for double A yoyo.
Double A division is played by doing constant loopings with both hands. Sounds difficult ? No worries ~~ With enough practise, anyone can do it. Hehehe .. As you can see, the gap is much narrower than the previous yoyo. Its known as an imperial shape. This is because yoers wants the yoyo to be much responsive inorder to loop. If the yoyo is not responsive enough, a few drops of lubricant into the bearing or change of strings should help ( I would post bout lubing n strings later ).
WARNING : the string will wear out very very fast based on this division and if you do not change the string, it will SNAP one of the days. So, DO NOT play in your living room fill with your parent's precious fragile items ! Frequently change your strings if the strings is too old.
Next would be 3A division.
This division is something like 2 division combined into 1. You take 1A division and 2A division, fuse them up together n tadaaaa , u will get 3A ( i know, my maths is superb) hahahaha ... Neway, the style of playing is similar to 2A but instead of looping, you will need to use 2 butterfly shape yoyos. One of the tricks could be like this :
So far so good ? Ok, cool. Next will be 4A division. This division is also known as offstring division. The name "offstring" says it all, it means that this style of playing is that the yoyo .... is not attach to the string. A yoer will throw the yoyo up high in the sky and will catch it with the string and continue perform tricks or rountines ! This are the yoyos for offstrings.( there is alot more option but so far this is all i got).
I know ~~ "OMG that yoyo is huge !!!" hahaha.. The yoyo is design in such a way because it will be way much easier for it to land on the string. On the left side of the pic is known as HAYABUSA, its one of DUNCAN's product. It is used for this division too. Although its small but i know a few ppl that can really create marvellous tricks n routines with this yoyo. For example Lim Aik Hwee from Singapore and Sean Perez from Philipines.
Lastly, 5A division which is also known as counter-weight division.
First thing that you will notice in the pic is the dice. The dice serves as a counter-weight. This time, the yoyo is not attach to the finger but instead on that dice ! From what i know, this would be the hardest division for most yoers but a 12 yr old kid proven it wrong ! hahaha .. You can look up his name, Takeshi Matsuura ( hope that i didnt spell that wrong ! Im sorry if i did !)
Thanks for reading this post and i will post on types of strings, lubings and how to do simple maintenance on your yoyo soon !
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